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Vintage & Retro Sunglasses: Eyewear Trends

Vintage & Retro Sunglasses: Eyewear Trends
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In the nineties, fashion designers and representatives of the “art world” were confident in a bright future and were optimistic about the coming 21st century. We all remember futuristic movies, like “Star Trek” and “Back to The Future”. 

In the world of music, an electronic synth sound, similar to extraterrestrial, prevailed. Later, this trend was transformed into a techno-wave. And, in fashion, from head to toe, shapes and materials “from the future”. Plastic, neoprene, and rubber – typically packaged in silver or metallic black.

In accessories, innovative technologies and eccentricity set the tone: suffice it to recall the appearance of sunglasses – mono lenses and Cyber glasses. Clearly, an enthusiastic Earth community was ready for the new millennium.

But as soon as the 21st century came, it looked completely different. The mysticism of the new millennium passed and the drawing that everyone imagined in their mind looked completely different.

What is left is a sense of uncertainty about the future. A future in which the world is spinning much faster than before. In which everyone and everyone strives to overtake. At such moments, the important and difficult search for identity begins.

The memory of the old days gives a calming effect – everyone knows a pleasant feeling of nostalgia. This feeling leads us to the old values. Over time, nostalgia for the “old times” and traditions of the past transforms into new ideas and gives rise to endless retrospectives.

Today Like Yesterday

Vintage & Retro Sunglasses: Eyewear Trends

These processes, in the world society, laid the foundation for modern fashion, including vintage glasses. Retro style is the trend of the 21st century. No matter what it is: fashion or music. 

This style relies on good taste in the old days. It is a departure from the belief in progress that goes hand in hand with the idea of sustainable development. Recycling and using old and used items is very popular now. Therefore, “ Vintage “ is at the top of our retro culture.

“Vintage”. The word is now synonymous with “old”, “classic” or “rare”. The use of this word is especially popular in the field of “old fashion” – as a description of a stylistic approach. However, the terms “Vintage” and “Retro” are often being confused. There is one significant difference: “Vintage” is really an antique item, the so-called “original”. True, there are often artificially aged collections – also called vintage.

“Retro” is a completely new item, but very similar to the old, classic (shape, material, finish), and it looks like new.

The beauty of vintage glasses is the strong character they inherited from their original “owner”. Because these frames used to be on the faces of outstanding personalities who were distinguished by their unique character and intelligence. For example, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, and Malcolm X. or J.F. Kennedy.


Among all of the coolest brands presented on our website available, we have a brand we have to mention when it comes to retro feel. Just like we talked about we used to think and imagine what the future might look like but with a permanent trend of taking the past into reference. This is exactly what this eyewear brand does, always look ahead, but without forgetting the fashion tradition of the past. And this brand fully embraces the philosophy of tradition and stylistic innovation. Here are some of the coolest products to check out from the RETROSUPERFUTURE collection. 

In any case, it will be interesting to see how long this trend can continue. Eventually, stocks of old original glasses will be exhausted. And, the demand for this style is growing and growing. In the future, probably more and more manufacturers will produce retro and vintage collections.

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